Freitag, 4. September 2009


What is your current obsession?
peace haha.

What is your horoscope & do you relate to it?
schütze/ nein.

What are you wearing today?
stiefeletten, black jeans, tshirt & cardigan.

What is the last thing you bought?
peace hihi.

What do you think about the person who tagged you?
ich maaaaaaag sie total.
süß und freundlich und wunderschön :] sarah.

What's for dinner?
schon gegessen.

What's your favourite decade, fashion wise?
20er :D

What are your must haves for summer?

What would you love to be able to afford?

What is you favourite piece of clothing from your own wardrobe?
mein neuer rooock :D

What is your dream job?

What's your favourite magazine?

What do you consider a fashion faux pas?

Describe your personal style:

Which Beatle is your favourirte?
alle doof.

What are you proud of?
auf garnichts xD

10 things about me:
1. pessimist
2. sarkastisch.
3. groß-möpsig.
4. kein familienmensch
5. verliebt bis in den himmel.
6. unkreativ.
7. liebt peace
8. geht nicht ohne handy.
9. liebt ihre freunde.
10. bloggerin ( haha )

My nominees are:
#1 Say thanks to me! :)
#2 Write 10 honest things about you.
#3 Nominate 5 blogs.

ich tagge niemanden weil ich dazu keine lust hab ;]
ihr dürft euch selbst taggen.

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